

Get on board OM Ships!

Our Short-Term Exposure Programme (STEP) is ideal if you'd like to test your calling and experience what it's like to serve on board one of our ships.

OM Ships

OM Ships. 72001 likes · 343 talking about this. OM's ships are dedicated to sharing knowledge, help, and hope.


On an OM ship, you'll experience amazing opportunities to live out love by sharing the life-changing message of the Kingdom of God with people in every nation.

The Ships

OM's Ship Ministry is sharing knowledge, help and hope in and around the world's port cities. God is using our platform to disciple Jesus followers to share ...

關鍵字:OM Ships International

一百多年前,一位鞋業零售商之子,因著信仰願將生命與財富皆獻給神用,自此開啟家族與眾人綿延不斷的祝福。西元2000年起,祝福眾人的行動具象為「慷慨之道事工」,持續以 ...